Monday, September 18, 2006


Am floating around
Far away from the ground
No baby of the earth
On the ninth cloud
I see the space
I see the oceans
I see the stars
I see a million suns

Like a satellite
I belong to the space
I'm a satellite
All day, all night
In an endless chase.

My vision goes far
I see worlds at war
I see darkness and light
With my electronic eyes
I see clouds beneath
I hold the waves
And toss them back
O baby, they're my slaves.

Am a satellite
I belong to no man
Am a satellite
In full flight
Run on my own plan

No earth, no moon,
I play my own tune
You cannot touch me
Try as hard as you might
Am a world of my own

Satellite. Yes.


Punit Pania said...

electronic eyes??

lagta atmospheric science ka asar hai

Geetha said...

there s smthn very romantic about 'electronic eyes'. have you seen pics of the detectors in the neutron detector in japan? u ll kno wat i mean, may be, if u see them. anyway, atmo s gone into my head now...

Geetha said...

anyway tell me how does it sound like.

Punit Pania said...

if Audioslave were to do it, it wud sound good!

Punit Pania said...

n u were gonna write Sun of the Alley na?

Geetha said...

o yea, guess it slipped outta my mind.

Unknown said...


Well..r v talkin bout the moon here?(coz u said it belongs to no man)...but then the electronic eyes creates a whole lot of ambiguity!!

...but a good work I must admit!! Will make a gud 21st century nursery rhyme.