Saturday, February 17, 2007

chaos and peace

in chaos I found peace,
now in peace I find chaos.

rushed every morning
like my life depended on it
(and indeed it did)
got crushed in the crowd
used to say,
it helped me keep fit!
it was 'chaos'
perfumes and fish,
all rolled into one
one characteristic smell
it was 'chaos'
smiles and frowns
on the same face, at once.

then, in that 'chaos'
I found my peace.
in my crowd
I found solace.
(but I guess I didn't know it then)

felt the world rush by.
every morning,
thought today i die.
in the mess of my life
there lurked a certain order.

then I quit.
left in search of peace.
in search of solace.
the very things that ran up to me
I deciede to run up to them.

now I do not rush.
I do not run.
there is no crowd.
no need to frown.

the beautiful order I got,
I managed to mess.
in the peace i bought,
I managed to get 'chaos'.


Punit Pania said...


wat do I say?!

Supriya said...

says a lot, and very nicely...

Geetha said...

thanks :)

sree said...


Geetha said...


Samuel said...

good.... suprised to c me read ur blog?????

sanket kambli said...

good poetry...avantgarde.. havent read all..will do so..
here are some of poems

abstract poems>>

typical poems>>

Geetha said...

thanks. :)