Saturday, January 7, 2006

Home Sweet Home!

been through those days when you are simply upset and you don't have any single reason to point your finger at? Well...
Right now that is the only picture that gives me hope.
Home Sweet Home. (Those who know this place will not be surprised.)
(Thanks to Punnu for this pic.)


Anonymous said...

i know the feeling. feel that way myself sometimes. just keep going is all i can say. and no, i don't know what that place in the pic is.
anyways, i'll be dropping by regularly now. see ya.

Punit Pania said...

saw ur blog after a while. this pic reminded me of sumtin: din u promise me ul mention me n my 6600 in d credits? lol

n remember, the revolution is coming!

Geetha said...

did u read what i ve written? of course i ve mentioned u, i ve also said 'thanks' to u...