Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A lonely man's song

Am stuck, am stuck here
Can't move no more
Neither ahead nor backwards
The centre of a tug-of-war
The eye of a storm
The darkness under the candle stand.

And don't know how,
Don't know from where
The emptiness has crept back inside.

I was not like this
No I was not
I have smiled, I have laughed
I have had friends
Have been happy.

Don't know how
Don't know from where
The emptiness has crept back inside.

Nothing to occupy my mind
Except this hollow drumming
I long to be back in the grind
Of a rat race, of work and play
I want to get back into life.


Anonymous said...

That aptly expresses, the state of mind, that I have right now :(. Anyway hope you can write a few words that springs some hope into the lonely man's life :)!

Geetha said...

i ll try , i ll try :)

Oscar said...

i know this happens.... these sorta dark phases that may last for a day or two.....also because these days therz nothing to look forward to the next day.....try playing badminton or cricket... the endorphins will help.....its all to do with the neurotransmitters.

in these situations art and poetry may help but not always. For. eg... i generally include some lines that offer hope towards the end... helps alot.

but physical activity and sport surely help... and listen to the right kind of music!

Geetha said...

thnx a lot oscii! dun ve anyone 2 play with, all i do s go 4 lonnnng walks. dats refreshing enough. yea, music helps lot. n reading a lot too...
glad to hear from u after so long.

Oscar said...

u are a lethal bowler... i remember those in-coming yorkers and those long intimidating spells you bowled at me.
im sure there will be ppl in you mauhalla who will like to bat.

Geetha said...

ha ha! oh yea, wont forget playing cricket with ya! that was real fun. thnx. dat did bring a BIG GRIN on my face.

Geetha said...

coffee. yes coffee was pretty good. it is always pretty good.

Chitrak said...

the poem is true.

Oski- lr 14, cs lab...ah, those were the days...

My word verif is Nailsy

Geetha said...

o! i am gonna cry...